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  • Writer's pictureSophia Nelson

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, 304 pages

This is the first non-fiction book I’ve read this year. It was referred to me by a friend and I’ve been putting it off for months now. I finally got into a fantasy book slump so I picked it up and started reading. It wasn‘t boring at all! It was so interesting and I read it during my online classes.

Jeannette reflects upon her previous life before she became a successful writer in New York. She was homeless her whole childhood due to her father being an alcoholic and her mother having a free spirit. Each story she tells is so interesting because it’s so different to the life I’ve lived and yet not. Her siblings are so relatable and everywhere they have lived there comes to be new rivalries. We see her grow up to be very self-dependent at just the age of 10. Her other siblings are similar but it isn’t till she gets to highschool and lives in a very small, poor town that she starts to shine. As a child she was so adventurous and strong. She followed along with her parents and looked up to them but as she enters the real world and stays in one place longer she sees she can’t rely on them. Its a very inspirational book for when you are struggling to keep going in life and find a path. It also shows the hardships and love in a family. You can love someone but they’re not always the best for you. By far the craziest thing to think about is that all the events are real. Reccommend to anyone who wants a push to keep going in life, want to start reading non-fiction, or wants a book to read before you see the movie. There is a movie to this book, I haven’t watched it yet but I plan too.

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